Drinks: All soft drinks, coffee, tea and hot chocolate are of course provided -including filling you thermos with hot or cold drink to bring to your stand. BYOB *
*Campbell Creek Outfitters supports the responsible use of alcohol in the evenings after a hard days hunt, but ask all clients to remember that only when all guns and bows are racked and put away is it time to sit back and enjoy. We are not a beer party camp. We are a family oriented outfit.
There was always a bottle present, so that it would seem to him that those fine fierce instants of heart and brain and courage and wiliness and speed were concentrated and distilled into that brown liquor which not women, not boys and children, but only hunters drank, drinking not of the blood they spilled but some condensation of the wild immortal spirit, drinking it moderately, humbly even, not with the pagan's base and baseless hope of acquiring thereby the virtues of cunning and speed but in salute to them.-- from William Faulkner's The Bear |